Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Hugo and the unforgettable Sci Comm presentations

Hugo timed his visit so well, the day after he arrived his cruel girlfriend dragged him to Imperial College for a whole day's worth of Science Communication Group Project presentations! This was the end of a term's worth of work in groups of 3, responding to a brief which basically said "take what we discussed in last term's academic modules and produce something creative". So, from a soundscape+visual display based on BBC Radio's Shipping forecast to an elephant representing science or a doll's house incorporating science, the media, the public, and the relations between them, there was plenty of variety... including my group's Bumper Book of Science Parties: our presentation involved decking everyone (including the teachers) out in brightly-coloured mortar-board hats, having them play Searching for the Truth (a.k.a pass-the-parcel), and... we had fairy-cakes and apple pi to go with the end-of-term drinks!

Funny how no audience can look bored wearing these hats!

So, on his second day in London (this time round), Hugo got to see some wacky presentations, and discovered my colleagues learned two new concepts in this course: paradigm and metaphor (apparently no group managed not to mention either, and most mentioned both)!

But, on the plus side, he did get to join in the aforementioned end-of-term drinks & snacks, the ensuing trip to the pub, and the pizza&partying at Kamini's place!...

The next day marked the start of my holidays, and of our tourist trips... but there'll be more about them in the next post!


Rain said...

Embora já soubesse quase tudo desse trabalho, gostava de ter visto isso! Deve ter sido uma apresentação incrível!

Well... waiting for more pictures! ;)

Mireia said...

Si si, uma apresentaçao incrível!!! And I ate so many muffins after that! At the begining I was controlling myself cause I thought there was one for each, but then... hehe

I hope that poor Hugo recovers from that metaphorical and paradigmatic day...

Ok... going back to the papers!
